
Monday, February 26, 2007

Best Effective Way to Stop Smoking

Best Effective Way to Stop Smoking
by Gerry Restrivera

Smoking contributes to a lot of illness including cancer, respiratory diseases and cardio vascular diseases. The harmful effects of smoking do not end with smokers; second hand smoke also affects non smokers and caused deaths due to lung cancer and heart diseases. Smoking is a strong habit that is hard to stop but it can be stopped and you have to find the best effective way to stop smoking before your health starts to deteriorate.

To stop smoking it takes a lot of courage and motivation but this is the best decision you can make. To find the best effective way to stop smoking you need determination, discipline and commitment to stop smoking permanently. If you don't have those behaviors you will certainly fail even if you found the best effective way to stop smoking.

One way to stop smoking is through Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). While this is not the best effective way to stop smoking and this is for short time use, about 20-40% of smokers find success on this method. This therapy includes wearing patches, chewing nicotine-containing gums and nicotine nasal spray or inhaler. This method reduced the physical symptoms of withdrawal from smoking like irritability and tiredness.

Cold turkey is another way to stop smoking. This is the most popular method though not the best effective way to stop smoking. This contributes to only 5% of success per try. Cold turkey means to stop smoking immediately and without preparation. Smokers have to try this over and over again to succeed. Smokers do this method without any aid of patches or nicotine gums. Smokers using this method and experiencing withdrawal symptoms may do activities like drinking a lot of water, count 10-0 very slowly and breathe slowly when craving to smoke, take a quick walk, talk to a friend and other ways to divert their attention from smoking.

To quit smoking is not easy and finding the best effective way to stop smoking could be very frustrating. But did you know that there are smokers who found the best effective way to stop smoking and start to become a non smoker after just 1 hour? This method completely frees you from drugs, gums, patches or other chemicals methods and with 94% success rate. Find out more visit FreshStart - Stop Smoking In One Hour.

About the Author
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including the Best Effective Way to Stop Smoking. To find out more about Health and Beauty visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Do You Really Want To Quit Smoking?

Do You Really Want To Quit Smoking?
by Tommy Thompson

Did you make the New Year resolution to Stop Smoking? Well, have you quit yet? Millions of smokers around the world said they would stop smoking this year. But for many, the day never came. Maybe because of lack of motivation, maybe because you tried to do it on your own. Maybe you tried but gave up easily.

Lets face it. Smoking is a bad habit for a lot of reasons. No need to go into it, everyone knows the dangerous health risks involved. Mumbling the words "I'll quit when this pack is gone" or "After the New Year" or a hundred other reasons you convince yourself now is not the time, are just excuses to keep smoking.

If you want to smoke, you are going to smoke. You are going to tell yourself that your father lived until 85 and smoked 2 packs a day, or your great uncle smoked for 70 years and was never sick a day in his life. Blah blah blah. You probably even tell yourself that you enjoy smoking. How on earth can inhaling smoke be enjoyable. I have listened to smokers coughing and hacking, it doesn't sound enjoyable to me. How about that light up after a nice meal. Yeah, just what I want to do after I eat a delicious meal, wash it all down with some gritty disgusting smoke. You probably didn't even taste the meal anyway because all your taste buds are completely destroyed and everything tastes like stale ash.

Smokers make up all kinds of reasons to keep smoking. "I'm under a lot of stress" or "I'll gain weight". Ultimately the decision to stop smoking has to be yours. Yes family and friends will bug you to stop, but if you attempt to quit smoking and you really do not want to, your chances of success are slim.

The point here is, if you want to stop smoking you will. Make the decision for the right reasons. Be dedicated to the task because you do not want to die a horrible, painful slow death. You want to wake up in the morning without going into a coughing fit, you want to be able to go up a flight of stairs and not gasp for precious air. You want to smell good and get rid of the bad breath. You want to be FREE!

Well, what are you waiting for? Are you going to stop smoking, today?

About the Author
If you really want to stop smoking and live longer,and you are ready to throw away that pack of cigarettes for good, please visit at Stop Smoking Advisor

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More Quit Smoking Tips

More Quit Smoking Tips
by Keith George

It is really a big difference between a smoker that has stopped smoking and a non smoker. The smoker is fighting the addiction and resists having a cigarette, while the non smoker can not think of anything worse than smoking. Perhaps you have met the non-smoker, really more of a fanatic that often express his or her feelings about smoking and smokers.

That negative attitude helps them to stay non-smokers.

Other smokers who quit smoking years ago can still say 'I would love to have a cigarette to this beer' and if you are trying to quit smoking that is terrifying to hear. It actually means that they only quit smoking at a conscious level, that is they decided to stop, but unconsciously, smoking is still an attractive prospect for them.

There are many ways to stop smoking!

Nicotine patches works great and many quit without actually thinking about it. The ratio for persons that quit long term is rather low though.

Chewing gums can take some time to get used to, the taste is not what you are used to.

There are also tablets, lozenges, inhalers and Zyban, the stop smoking drug. In addition, plenty of people out there are willing to tell you how to stop smoking, you can find quit tips everywhere.

Many try a couple of methods at the same time and I have met persons with nicotine patches, chewing gum and snuffing at the same time. Once in a while also a person that have a cigarette to coffee or beer or any other excuse they can find. The only good thing might be that they save their lungs a little. But they are really enforcing the addiction.

The unconscious mind is what most smokers are unaware of and if you are going to make the effort to free yourself from the terrible effects of smoking, you should do it the right way. Start with a proper smoking cessation program that will leave you free of the desire to smoke.

With the right psychological methods and techniques you will be able to control the smoking addiction and become free from its grip.

Do not stop smoking until you are ready for it! When you use the hypnosis methods you will move your mind from its current addicted state to complete freedom from cigarettes. And that will happen when you want it to happen. You will no longer be controlled by the need to smoke. You will never again plan your day so you can smoke, and you will not need to run outside at work or at parties.

You will become a real non-smoker afterwards and you can't imagine why you ever smoked. Hypnosis is a powerful tool and you only quit smoking when you don't want to smoke any more.

About the Author
Keith George owns the Quit Smoking site which helps people learn about Quit Smoking Hypnosis. Further information can be found at Quit Smoking Aids.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Breat Cancer: Cigarette smoke blocks cells' healing ability

Breat Cancer: Cigarette smoke blocks cells' healing ability
by From the desk of Dr Magne, author of Cancer Free For Life

The Reuters Health magazine has found that cigarette smoke can transform normal breast cells into cancerous cells by blocking their normal ability to repair themselves. Over time this could lead to the development of breast cancer, scientists report.

Smoking cigarettes substantially increases a person's risk of developing heart disease, as well as cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, bladder and uterine cervix. Whether cigarette smoking increases the risk of breast cancer risk remains controversial.

For their research, the Gainesville team used cigarette smoke condensate or tar that contains all of the chemicals present in cigarette smoke, 81 of which have been classified as cancer-causing.

"The use of cigarette smoke condensate...mimics the human smoking situation more closely," Dr. Satya Narayan told Reuters Health.

Narayan and colleagues found that after treatment with cigarette smoke condensate normal human breast epithelial cells in culture acquire mutations characteristic of malignancy. "The concentration of the condensate we used is much lower than it is present in one cigarette," Narayan pointed out.

The Gainesville research also pinpoints the mechanism by which cigarette smoke transforms normal breast cells into cancerous cells. Cigarette smoke "causes DNA damage and at the same time compromises the DNA repair capacity of the cell, perhaps, leading to mutation and transformation of targeted breast epithelial cells."

A DNA repair defect in a single cell that cannot be repaired efficiently before it divides can lead to the genesis of tumors, Narayan said.

When people smoke, they inhale 4,000 different chemicals, which can produce harmful effects in our body, Narayan said. Since the development of cancer is a complex phenomenon and requires several gene mutations during its progression, the defective cell can be present for several years before it acquires tumorigenic activity, the researcher added.

Therefore, the safest way around this is to stay away from cigarettes. "This will protect us from the long-term known and unknown causes of cigarette smoke chemicals on our health," Narayan said.

SOURCE: Oncogene, August 21, 2006.

It is well known that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health, all you have to do is to read the warning statement on the side of the packet of cigarettes. The frightening element here is that cigarette smoke has the ability of KILLING you with its negative side-effects. Unfortunately, cigarette smoking is addictive due to its high content in nicotine, a drug-like substance. Even more sad is the fact that most smokers will only find the motivation to stop smoking when their health is already endangered sufficiently that they receive a nasty diagnostic at an advanced stage of a disease.

Breast cancer affects women in their feminity. It has been said that breast cancer is a socially acceptable woman's way to commit suicide. The statistics tend to confirm the fact that women who contract breast cancer have a psychological profile that reflects deep unhappiness with their current situation, either with their work, their life partner, their lack of children or the overwhelming sense that they cannot cope with all the pressures of our modern lives, where many women are expected to have a full-time job, then arrive home and take on a second one looking after a family. The deep sense of despair depressed the immune system which was then unable to do its regular cleaning job of removing cancer cells which are even present in our body. It focuses instead on the depression, looking for ways to cope with a stressful lifestyle, focusing all its resources on that one situation with no more 'soldiers' to divert to fighting cancer. Adding the damage caused by cigarette smoke is the death knoll to women who are not able to change their life situation.

You will find many more in-depth explanations on the causes of cancer. Dr Magne has been researching the origins and causes of disease and cancer for the past 25 years. Visit to receive a FREE report on The 10 Ways to Cure Cancer Immediately. This article is available for reprint for your website and newsletter, provided that you maintain its copyright integrity and include the signature.

About the Author
Dr Laurence Magne Publisher, Author Cancer Free For Life Email : Website :

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Smoking and Dental Care

Smoking and Dental Care
by Thomas Ajava

Despite the health risks, millions of us are still smoking. Besides cancer, smoking can really affect your dental health as well.

In addition to the damage smoking can do to your heart and lungs, it can also have a severe impact on the health of your dental situation. Smokers are over six times more likely to get gum disease than those who do not smoke. Smoking not only damages the teeth, but it makes recovering from any type of dental procedure much more difficult.

Smoking stains the teeth. It turns them a yellowish color. The tar in cigarettes can also leave brown stains on your teeth. Normally, the saliva in the mouth helps to neutralize the pH inside the mouth. This allows the damage done by plaque to the tooth enamel to be corrected. Smoking causes this process to be less effective. Smokers are much more likely to have problems with plaque. They are also more likely to develop calculus, which occurs when plaque hardens on the surface of the teeth. This causes tooth decay to begin.

The use of tobacco can also limit how much blood can get to the tissue of the gums. This has a detrimental effect on the bones and other structures in the mouth. It also causes damage to the tissues in the gum line. It will cause the gums to become inflamed. They will begin to pull away from the tooth. This, combined with the damage to the bones, will often cause teeth to fall out. If the teeth do not fall out, they often have to be pulled out because of pain or infection. Smokers lose their teeth a lot more frequently than non-smokers. Men who smoke lose almost three teeth every ten years. Women average a loss of one and half teeth every ten years.

Smokers have a lot more dental problems than non-smokers. Unfortunately, it is also harder to treat smokers for their dental problems. Smoking is highly discouraged after dental work or oral surgery. Some dentists will not work on a patient who they do not believe will abstain from smoking prior to and after the procedure. Smokers are at high risk to develop dry socket after dental surgery. They also have a much harder time healing from dental surgery. Procedures such as dental implants are often not recommended for smokers because of the continued damage that smoking will do, even after the implants are placed.

The good news is that if a smoker quits smoking, the health of their gums can increase within a year. They won't be able to undo the damage that has been done, but once they stop smoking, their teeth will be able to hold up much longer. They can receive treatment which can help them repair the damage to their teeth and prevent future damage. Smokers who quit smoking can save their teeth before it is too late.

About the Author
Thomas Ajava is with - your source for dental health information.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Green Tea for Smokers - Can it Lower Your Lung Cancer Risk?

Green Tea for Smokers - Can it Lower Your Lung Cancer Risk?
by Jon M. Stout

We are only just beginning to understand the health benefits of green tea. But, it seems sure that green tea is one of the best things we can do to protect our health, slow down the aging process and prevent disease. One disease of particular interest in terms of green tea's affect is cancer.

Cancer is still one of the leading causes of death in the world. In fact, 300 people die of cancer every single day in the US alone. Yet, research is showing over and over again that the anti-oxidants in green tea may hold the power to prevent, and even treat, many types of cancers.

And, we know that many cancers are entirely preventable, yet continue to be a leading cause of death. Nearly all skin cancer is preventable, simply by wearing sunscreen, and the vast majority of lung cancer patients contract the disease after years of smoking. Smoking is, in fact, the number one risk factor for developing lung cancer.

But, even for smokers, there is evidence that green tea may provide protective benefits from the very cancer for which they're at risk; lung cancer.

A study at the Toxicology Research Center in Korea suggests that drinking green tea may provide protective benefits to the lungs, even to people who smoke. In their study, they tested four groups of people; nonsmokers, smokers, smokers who drank green tea, and smokers who drank coffee. The smokers in the study averaged at least 13 years of smoking.

For the study groups consuming tea and coffee, their intake was 2-3 cups each day for six months. The smokers who drank green tea had a significantly lower incidence of sisterchromatid exchange (SCE), the damage that leads to lung cancer, than the smokers who drank coffee and the smokers who did not consume any special beverage. In fact, the amount of SCE damage in the tea drinkers was comparable with that of the non-smokers, who showed very little sign of SCE.

This led researchers to the conclusion that drinking green tea may help prevent lung cancer, even if you smoke. It also concluded that drinking coffee had neither a negative nor a positive effect on patients' SCE levels.

So, it seems that it's more important than ever to get your daily dose of the anti-oxidants that green tea can provide. If you smoke, of course your best course of action would be to stop smoking. But, either way, it appears you should be drinking green tea!

Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, green tea and wu long tea go to

About the Author
Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, green tea and wu long tea go to

Thursday, February 01, 2007

How To Remove Cigarettes From Your Life

How To Remove Cigarettes From Your Life
by Kevin Dark

Keep a journal and write in it whenever you begin to get the overwhelming temptation to light up. Instead of picking up a cigarette, pick up a pen to write with. Write down your feelings at the moment, your frustrations and your good days you have. This helps with releasing many of the cravings you will have and go through, it also helps in taking your mind of smoking on to something else.

Ready yourself for the times of challenge ahead of you, which will happen at some point in your quest to beat smoking. Make a solidified plan for when these temptations hit you to smoke and instead go jogging, take a nice walk, swim, take a bike ride or anything you enjoy that will keep you from smoking.

You can also speak with your medical doctor about some of the quit smoking medications and devices available. He can help determine which ones may work the best for your specific problem with this habit. Many of these quit smoking helpful devices and treatments come in the form of patches, inhalers, nasal sprays, gum and even the use of anti-depressant medicines which helps you with relieving the withdrawal and temptations to pick up a smoke.

Make sure all tobacco and cigarette products are cleared out of your work area, cars, home and other areas which you will be occupying. This is important to your reaching your goal to quit smoking. If you don't have easy access to cigarettes then you will be more apt to occupy yourself with something else when an urge hits you.

Programs are also available in groups of people who are struggling with the same demons you are in trying to quit smoking and get in better health. You can join one of these groups supporting quitting the smoking habit at some schools, gyms and other facilities in your local area. These groups offer a added area of support for you because these people are all going through exactly what you are and understand you.

Quitting smoking has so many more benefits than that of smoking. Your lungs have a better capacity for working, your tastes and smell of things will also begin improving, circulation will be improved, having shortness of breath will get fewer, excessive coughing will quiet down along with congestion in the sinus areas too, And your risk of heart disease is reduced. With all these good things why shouldn't you stop smoking right this minute?

Make a commitment to yourself and your family to stop smoking today. You'll be doing your body and health a tremendous favor along with your loved ones who want you to be with them for many, many more years to come. Go ahead write down and commit to a specific date you are going to be quit smoking by and stick to it no matter how bad the temptations to smoke are. Your support group of loved ones believes in you and you should believe in yourself too. You can get through this and you can do this.

About the Author
Kevin Dark is the owner of all discount cigarettes online store.